Star Wars-Wochenvorschau KW 45/2022 (07.11. – 13.11.2022)

Die nächste Woche hat es wirklich in sich – so zählen wir nächste Woche 25 Neuerscheinungen, wobei hier Comic-Variantcover nicht mitgezählt hin! Neben einigen Werken zu The Mandalorian gibt es nächste Woche gleich zwei neue Artbooks – eines zu The High Republic und eines zu Visions. Doch damit nicht genug aus dem Zeitalter der Hohen Republik – die schon zweite Ausgabe der gleichnamigen Comicreihe aus der Feder Cavan Scotts kommt auf den Markt. Auch hierzulande gibt es neue Comics, so erscheint nun ein neuer Crimson Reign Sammelband, eine neue Comic-Kollektion und ein weihnachtliches Vader-Buch von Jeffrey Brown. Und für die Rollenspiel-Fans hat der Verlag Edge Studios auch einiges parat und veröffentlicht nächste Woche 14 vergriffene Bücher und Spielmeister-Kits aus den Reihen Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, Force and Destiny und einigen ära-übergreifenden Bänden neu. Diese waren in vereinzelten Ländern und Läden schon erhältlich, erscheinen jetzt aber offiziell.

Deutschsprachige Neuerscheinungen

Star Wars, Band 4: Crimson Reign - Leias teuflische Gegnerin (25.10.2022)
Niedergang der Jedi, Herrschaft des Imperiums, Ära der Rebellion, Aufstieg der Ersten Ordnung (3 NSY bis 35 NSY)
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Während die Rebellion versucht, sich gegen Imperium zur Wehr zu setzen, erkennt Luke, dass es an der Zeit ist, den nächsten Schritt auf dem Weg zum Jedi zu gehen. Aber der Jedi-Orden existiert nicht mehr, also wohin kann Luke sich wenden, um das Wissen zu erlangen, das er so dringend braucht? Die Stimme von Jedi-Meister Yoda leitet ihn auf seiner Reise, an deren Ende er mehr verliert als gewinnt.

Mit diesem Sammelband erscheint ein weiterer Eintrag aus dem Crimson Reign-Crossover, dieses Mal aus der Star Wars-Reihe. Der Band erscheint wie üblich auch als limitiertes Hardcover für den Comicfachhandel.

Familie Vader feiert Weihnachten (25.10.2022)
Jeffrey Brown
Darth Vader (Jeffrey Brown)
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Stille Macht, heilige Macht! Mit einer wahrlich festlichen Episode wird die kultige Cartoon-Reihe von Jeffrey Brown („Vader und Sohn“) endlich fortgesetzt. Es ist gar nicht so leicht, wenn man als Sithlord die Galaxis im Zaum halten muss, aber gleichzeitig seinen rebellischen Kids mit Schneeballschlachten, Schlittenfahrten und Weihnachtsleckereien die Zeit bis zur Bescherung verkürzen will.

Englischsprachige Neuerscheinungen

The High Republic #2 (09.11.2022)
Ario Anindito
  • bei Marvel
  • Heft, 32 Seiten
  • $3,99 USD
Hohe Republik (382 VSY)



  • Ein Jedi liegt tot in einem antiken Schrein, ein anderer ist dem Mörder auf der Spur.
  • Wer benutzt uralte Machtkräfte auf den Straßen der heiligen Stadt, und warum verschwinden heilige Reliquien?
  • Und warum führen alle Wege zum Tempel der Whills?

Auf Jeddha häufen sich Morde an Jedi … Wer steckt da hinter? Mit der zweiten Ausgabe kehren wir wieder zurück in das Zeitalter der Hohen Republik! Das neue Heft ist dabei auch mit vier Variantcovern erhältlich, die ihr der nachfolgenden Galerie entnehmen könnt. Diesen Mittwoch hatten wir bereits eine Vorschau für euch. Der Sammelband kommt dann ab dem 02. Mai 2023 in den Handel.

Comic • Dienstag, 8. November 2022

The Mandalorian Volume 1: Season One Part One (08.11.2022)
  • bei Marvel
  • Sammelband, Softcover, 136 Seiten
  • ISBN 978-1-302-92786-8
  • $17,99 USD
The Mandalorian
Die Neue Republik (9 NSY)
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Din Djarin, the armored bounty hunter better known as The Mandalorian, has been a smash-hit on Disney+ for two incredible seasons. Now, at last, the Mandalorian arrives on the comics page — in the first half of an action-packed adaptation of the show’s first season! The bounty hunter has agreed to track down a target for a mysterious ex-Imperial client who offers to pay in Beskar, a rare metal revered by Mandalorians. But when Djarin locates the target — the adorable green toddler known only as The Child — all bets are off! Will Djarin follow his Mandalorian code and turn over the Child? And if he doesn’t, what will the consequences be? Prepare for a gritty adventure through the Star Wars universe featuring mercenaries, Blurrgs, mudhorns and more! This is the way!

COLLECTING: Star Wars: The Mandalorian (2022) 1-4

The Mandalorian - The Graphic Novel of Season 2 (10.11.2022)
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The second season of the hit Disney Plus series The Mandalorian in comic book format. The Mandalorian has been tasked with returning his charge, a child, to its people, the Jedi. He begins searching for other Mandalorians who he believes can help him find the Jedi, and is directed to a rumoured Mandalorian operating out of the Tatooine town Mos Pelgo. 

Star Wars Insider Presents: The Mandalorian Season Two Collector's Edition Volume 2 (30.08.2022)
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A special book dedicated to the second season of the hit live-action series The Mandalorian, streaming on Disney+, including character profiles, plots, settings, and behind-the-scenes features.

An in-depth look at the making of the hit show, exploring the adventures of the Mandalorian and Grogu, featuring appearances from fan-favorites, Ahsoka Tano, Boba Fett, and Bo-Katan Kryze. Includes rare photographs, a complete episode guide, and a detailed behind-the scenes look at how the season was created.

The Art of Star Wars: The High Republic (Phase One) (08.11.2022)
Grant Griffin
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Featuring exclusive concept art, character and costume sketches, and vehicle and creature designs by the Lucasfilm art department, this official companion to Star Wars: The High Republic (Phase One) offers fans a definitive, behind-the-scenes look at an ambitious new era of Star Wars storytelling

The Art of Star Wars: The High Republic takes fans behind the scenes of Phase I of Lucasfilm Publishing’s massive crossover story. Collecting the very best concept art of the new characters, worlds, ships, and creatures of The High Republic—designed jointly by the Lucasfilm Visualists and a team of legendary comic book and Star Wars artists, including Phil Noto, Iain McCaig, and Ryan Church, among many others—and presented alongside development materials and interviews with High Republic architects Claudia Gray (Star Wars The High Republic: Into the Dark), Justina Ireland (Star Wars The High Republic: A Test of Courage), Daniel José Older (Star Wars The High Republic: Race to Crashpoint Tower), Cavan Scott (Marvel Comics’s The High Republic), and Charles Soule (Star Wars The High Republic: Light of the Jedi), The Art of Star Wars: The High Republic is an essential guide to the creation, design, and realization of a new era of Star Wars storytelling.

The High Republic Phase I: Light of the Jedi finds the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic at the height of their respective powers, but following the events of “The Great Disaster,” the Jedi, led by Jedi Knights Avar Kriss, Loden Greatstorm, Keeve Trennis, and Stellan Gios and joined by a diverse group of Padawans and Jedi Masters, are confronted by the looming threat of the Nihil—a marauding group of Outer Rim anarchists who stand opposed to all the Galactic Republic represents. In The Art of Star Wars: The High Republic, readers will discover the origins of the fan-favorite new characters taking on this threat, as well as exciting new Lightsaber and weapon designs, beautifully rendered environments, and detailed models of Starlight Beacon—the shining symbol of hope in the Republic.

The Art of Star Wars: The High Republic is the only book to explore all facets of the design and artistic direction of a story that spans comic books, novels, and young adult books, taking Star Wars fans of all ages on a deep dive into the development of the New York Times bestselling series.

Sachbuch • Dienstag, 8. November 2022

The Art of Star Wars: Visions (28.06.2022)
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Ein fachmännisch gestalteter, vollfarbiger, überformatiger Band, der die kreativen Kräfte hinter der mit Spannung erwarteten animierten Anthologieserie präsentiert!

Star Wars: Visionen, eine Originalserie animierter Kurzfilme, feiert die Star Wars-Galaxis durch die Augen einiger der weltbesten japanischen Anime-Künstler. Erscheint 2021 auf Disney+.

Dark Horse Books und Lucasfilm laden Fans dazu ein, das Star Wars-Universum mit The Art of Star Wars: Visions von einem spannenden neuen Standpunkt aus zu erleben.

Das Artbook zur Animeserie Vision erscheint auch als Deluxe-Edition. Im September hatten wir hier schon eine erste Vorschau.

Rollenspiel • Freitag, 11. November 2022

Rise of the Separatists (11.11.2022)
Star Wars Rollenspiel (Fantasy Flight Games)
Niedergang der Jedi
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Explore the early days of the Clone Wars!

EDGE Studio and Fantasy Flight Games are proud to announce Rise of the Separatists, a new Era Sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game!

Rise of the Separatists explores the early days of the Clone Wars, and is fully compatible with every Star Wars Roleplaying Game Line including Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, and Force and Destiny!

Within this 144 page sourcebook, you’ll find expanded player character options, new weapons, gear, and vehicles, profiles of famous Clone Wars era characters and GM guidance for running a campaign in this era, and more!

With the Battle of Geonosis, the Clone Wars have begun. Battles rage across the galaxy as the Jedi and the Grand Army of the Republic fight back against the sinister agents and indefatigable droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Meanwhile, the diplomats and representatives of the Galactic Senate work for peace and forge political alliances. Amid the chaos, looters, salvagers, and other fringers profit from the detritus of war, or simply try to survive.


Entgegen der Beschriftung verfügt diese Ausgabe nicht über eine ISBN sondern nur über eine EAN. Diese lautet 8435407637382.

In einigen europäischen Ländern war diese Neuausgabe im Fachhandel bereits seit etwa Mitte September 2022 erhältlich.

Rollenspiel • Freitag, 11. November 2022

Collapse of the Republic (11.11.2022)
Star Wars Rollenspiel (Fantasy Flight Games)
Niedergang der Jedi
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You can look for new player character options, including the ability to play as a Death Watch Warrior, a Nightsister, and more!

Discover the last days of the Old Republic with Collapse of the Republic, a new sourcebook for Star Wars Roleplaying! This sourcebook explores the latter days of the Clone Wars and is fully compatible with the complete Star Wars Roleplaying game lines including Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion and Force and Destiny.

Look for new Player Charater options including the ability to play as a Death Watch Warrior, a Nightsister, and more! The Game Master also gets plenty of new tools including profiles on iconic NPCs, Gazeteers for famous planets during this era, and continuing campaigns through the events of Order 66 and the end of the Clone Wars.

Collapse of the Republic explores the latter days of the Clone Wars, following on the events described in Rise of the Separatists, and is fully compatible with the complete Star Wars Roleplaying game lines including Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, and Force and Destiny.

The Game Master also gets plenty of new tools, including profiles on iconic NPCs, gazeteers for famous planets during this era, and continuing campaigns through the events of Order 66 and the end of the Clone Wars.


Entgegen der Beschriftung verfügt diese Ausgabe nicht über eine ISBN sondern nur über eine EAN. Diese lautet 8435407637405.

In einigen europäischen Ländern war diese Neuausgabe im Fachhandel bereits seit etwa Mitte September 2022 erhältlich.

Rollenspiel • Freitag, 11. November 2022

Dawn of Rebellion (11.11.2022)
Darren Tan
Star Wars Rollenspiel (Fantasy Flight Games)
Herrschaft des Imperiums
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Dawn of Rebellion offers a range of new specialization trees and species for you to use as player characters and the denizens of the galaxy that they meet

The dominance of the Empire is absolute. No authority in galactic history has enjoyed such a degree of power. So, what are you going to do about it? Some will take advantage of the system and turn a profit any way they can. Others may quest to find secret truths that could unravel even the most imposing social order. A few will even take up arms against an invincible foe. They may even have a chance to win.

Dawn of Rebellion is a 144-page sourcebook designed to be a companion to any and all of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game lines. Describing the Star Wars universe in the years leading to the original film trilogy, it sets the stage of a dangerous galaxy primed for war. The stories you tell, however, will be on your own terms starting from the perspective of the Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, or Force and Destiny and are then shaped by your own vision. Included in the sourcebook are new talent and species options for players, modular scenarios for gamemasters to include in their campaigns, and a wealth of information about the organizations, characters, and history that make the Star Wars saga so iconic.


Entgegen der Beschriftung verfügt diese Ausgabe nicht über eine ISBN sondern nur über eine EAN. Diese lautet 8435407637375.

In einigen europäischen Ländern war diese Neuausgabe im Fachhandel bereits seit etwa Mitte September 2022 erhältlich.

Rollenspiel • Freitag, 11. November 2022

Starships and Speeders (11.11.2022)
Star Wars Rollenspiel (Fantasy Flight Games)
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As the Galactic Civil War rages on, the Empire and Rebel Alliance fight their battles both on the surface of planets across the galaxy and in the black depths of space.

Jump to Hyperspace with Starships and Speeders, the essential collection of vehicles for Star Wars Roleplaying!

This 144-page sourcebook collects ships from all three Star Wars Roleplaying game lines and introduces a number of vehicles never before profiled. In addition to the crafts themselves, players and GMs will find advice and adventure seeds to help integrate each vehicle into their games. With more than 130 vehicles ranging from civilian speeders to mighty battleships, you’ll find the perfect vessel for any challenge that may arise!

This is not a standalone product. A copy of a Star Wars Roleplaying Core Rulebook is required to play. Starships and Speeders is fully compatible with Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, and Force and Destiny.


Entgegen der Beschriftung verfügt diese Ausgabe nicht über eine ISBN sondern nur über eine EAN. Diese lautet 8435407637429.

In einigen europäischen Ländern war diese Neuausgabe im Fachhandel bereits seit etwa Mitte September 2022 erhältlich.

Edge of the Empire: Lords of Nal Hutta (11.11.2022)
Ära der Rebellion
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Name your vice: gambling, luxury, spice, or beauty, perhaps? Whatever your pleasure, you can find it in abundance in Hutt Space, provided you’re willing to pay…

Escape the oppressive rule of the Empire and engage in devious schemes with the galaxy’s slimiest and most notorious gangsters: the Hutts!

No matter your vice – gambling, luxury, spice, beauty, or other – Whatever your pleasure, you can find it in abundance in Hutt Space, and you can find it in Lords of Nal Hutta, the Hutt Space sourcebook for the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Roleplaying Game. Smugglers, freelancers and mercenaries flock to the galaxy’s many Hutt-controlled hives of scum and villainy to fulfill their depraved desires or make a quick profit. Opportunity is abundant, but it comes at a perilously steep price. Anyone who flies Hutt Space lanes and hauls their questionable cargo must continuously ask themselves how far they’re willing to go in the name of cold, hard credits.

In its 144 pages, Lords of Nal Hutta offers Game Masters all the information they need to bring the most corrupt and lawless stretch of the galaxy to life. The book places everything you need to base a campaign in this infamous region at your fingertips, including information on over a dozen planets and their history, people and culture, points of interest and plot hooks, as well as local creatures and challenges.


Entgegen der Beschriftung verfügt diese Ausgabe nicht über eine ISBN sondern nur über eine EAN. Diese lautet 8435407637061.

In einigen europäischen Ländern war diese Neuausgabe im Fachhandel bereits seit etwa Mitte September 2022 erhältlich.

Edge of the Empire: No Disintegrations (11.11.2022)
Ära der Rebellion
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“There will be a substantial reward for the one who finds the Millennium Falcon. You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want them alive. No disintegrations.” – Darth Vader, The Empire Strikes Back

Like the Hired Guns you tend to cross paths with, you’re well-armed and deadly. More than deadly, you’re so ruthless that even Imperial Officers fear you. You’re a Bounty Hunter, holding life and death in your hands, determined to catch your prey, no matter what. No Disintegrations, an upcoming sourcebook for Star Wars : Edge of the Empire, gives you the tools and talents necessary to succeed in your hunt, and the adventure material that Game Masters need to make that hunt thrilling, suspenseful, and a significant challenge. Within its ninety-six full color pages you’ll find new species, three Bounty Hunter specializations, plenty of sneaky and iconic ships, sophisticated gear, and much more.

As a pragmatic, shrewd, and dangerous Bounty Hunter, you have a unofficial, galaxy-wide license to hunt and even, if you like, kill. The quarry and the reward is up to your contractor, but all the rest, from how you catch that quarry to what you do with it, is up to you. There aren’t that many rules that you adhere to, but there are many sentients throughout the galaxy that fear you.

No Disintegrations, a sourcebook for the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire roleplaying game gives you the tools and talents necessary to succeed as a Bounty Hunter, as well as the adventure material that Game Masters need to make that hunt thrilling, suspenseful, and a good challenge. Within its ninety-six full color pages you’ll find new species, three Bounty Hunter specializations and two Signature Abilities, plenty of iconic vehicles, sophisticated gear, and much more.


Entgegen der Beschriftung verfügt diese Ausgabe nicht über eine ISBN sondern nur über eine EAN. Diese lautet 8435407637108.

In einigen europäischen Ländern war diese Neuausgabe im Fachhandel bereits seit etwa Mitte September 2022 erhältlich.

Edge of the Empire: Special Modifications (11.11.2022)
Ära der Rebellion
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Build the tech to take on the galaxy…

Without the brilliance of Technicians, the Star Wars galaxy would be unrecognizable. Their work has created sentient artificial beings, put the most distant systems within reach via hyperdrive, and defined the ways that wars are fought. Yet even with such advanced technological marvels, there is no replacement for good, old-fashioned, spur-of-the-moment ingenuity, particularly inthe Outer Rim. There, Technicians must be as resourceful as they are intelligent, in order to invent solutions for the myriad troubles they daily face.

Special Modifications, a sourcebook for the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire roleplaying game, brings new specializations and signature abilities to the Technician career. Its 96, full-color pages also include new playable species and copious amounts of gear including cybernetics, slicing tools, construction tools, and remotes. Finally, the book contains detailed guidelines for crafting devices, weapons, and droids of your own invention, as well as new slicing actions and expanded rules for running slicing encounters in your roleplaying adventures.


Entgegen der Beschriftung verfügt diese Ausgabe nicht über eine ISBN sondern nur über eine EAN. Diese lautet 8435407637092.

In einigen europäischen Ländern war diese Neuausgabe im Fachhandel bereits seit etwa Mitte September 2022 erhältlich.

Edge of the Empire: Game Master's Kit (11.11.2022)
Ära der Rebellion
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Gather your friends and prepare for adventure in the Star Wars galaxy!

The GM Kit includes a GM screen that keeps a host of useful pieces of information right at the GM’s fingertips during gaming sessions. It also provides useful information about using the game’s nemesis system in your campaigns, and it includes complete adventure for GMs to carry their players beyond the events of the adventure featured in the Core Rulebook.

  • Keeps your Star Wars adventures focused on the action with a helpful GM screen
  • Provides GMs with additional information to help them create worthy adversaries for their players
  • A complete adventure carries players beyond the Core Rulebook’s adventure


Entgegen der Beschriftung verfügt diese Ausgabe nicht über eine ISBN sondern nur über eine EAN. Diese lautet 8435407636996.

In einigen europäischen Ländern war diese Neuausgabe im Fachhandel bereits seit etwa Mitte September 2022 erhältlich.

Rollenspiel • Freitag, 11. November 2022

Force and Destiny: Nexus of Power (11.11.2022)
Ära der Rebellion
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Explore the secrets of these places of power with Nexus of Power!

At certain places throughout the galaxy, known as vergences, the Force is extraordinarily strong. The most renowned Jedi temples rest atop these sites. Many have been quarantined by the Empire in their quest to suppress all knowledge about the Force. Some planets are also unusually strong with the Force, such as Ilum, Dagobah, and legendary Ossus. Such planets were once centers of Jedi learning and mysticism. Now, they may conceal Force sensitive exiles, ruined temples, or caches of precious and powerful artifacts.

Nexus of Power, a supplement for the Star Wars: Force and Destiny roleplaying game, opens up for your exploration numerous vergences, Jedi temples, and worlds strong with the Force. Within its 144 pages, players and Game Masters will find in-depth descriptions of iconic locations such as the Jedi temple on Coruscant, the Outer Rim planet of Lothal, and the mysterious, dreamlike world of Mortis. Nexus of Power also introduces four new playable species, along with vehicles and gear specially suited to Force users, and features eight modular encounters which can be played as single-session adventures or used as launching points for full campaigns.


Entgegen der Beschriftung verfügt diese Ausgabe nicht über eine ISBN sondern nur über eine EAN. Diese lautet 8435407637160.

In einigen europäischen Ländern war diese Neuausgabe im Fachhandel bereits seit etwa Mitte September 2022 erhältlich.

Rollenspiel • Freitag, 11. November 2022

Force and Destiny: Knights of Fate (11.11.2022)
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Warriors invoke unparalleled mastery of combat bolstered by the mysterious power of the Force…

The galaxy is a dangerous place. The teachings and traditions of the Jedi have been lost to treachery and murder. A new generation of those who wield the Force alongside martial training or physical prowess stand against the corrupting darkness. Whether to protect the innocent or assault the enemies of peace, Warriors invoke unparalleled mastery of combat bolstered by the mysterious power of the Force.

Knights of Fate is a sourcebook for the Force and Destiny roleplaying game, focused on the Warrior career. Included in its 96 full-color pages are a multitude of character options such as three new species and three new specialization trees that emphasize unique methods of fighting with the Force. New starships, vehicles, droids, weapons, and other equipment will help expand your campaign’s richness and variety, whether it exclusively uses Force and Destiny or any of the other Star Wars Roleplaying Game line. Knights of Fate also features support and guidance for reinforcing the themes and roles of Warriors in the narrative, from suggestions on how they could approach different challenges to the ways in which other character Careers might interact with a Warrior’s capabilities and limitations.


Entgegen der Beschriftung verfügt diese Ausgabe nicht über eine ISBN sondern nur über eine EAN. Diese lautet 8435407637214.

In einigen europäischen Ländern war diese Neuausgabe im Fachhandel bereits seit etwa Mitte September 2022 erhältlich.

Rollenspiel • Freitag, 11. November 2022

Force and Destiny: Savage Spirits (11.11.2022)
Ära der Rebellion
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Savage Spirits is designed to guide Seekers and all those who venture into the wild!

The Star Wars galaxy is an immense realm, filled with more unexplored regions than civilized areas. Some Force users are compelled by destiny to explore the galaxy’s vastness and dwell in its wildernesses, existing in tune with the ever-shifting Living Force. These independent, nomadic Force users are known as Seekers, and tend to live by their own rules. Savage Spirits, a sourcebook for the Star Wars: Force and Destiny roleplaying game, is designed to guide Seekers and all those who venture into the wild.

Within its 96 full-color pages, players will find everything necessary for wilderness survival. In addition to Seeker specializations and signature abilities, Savage Spirits introduces copious amounts of survival and medical gear, expanded rules for wilderness settings, and a new Force power, Farsight, that enables PCs to see at great distances even when their eyes cannot. A beastiary is included that introduces numerous creatures to the Force and Destiny system, and offers Game Masters outlines for Seeker-focused adventures and campaigns.


Entgegen der Beschriftung verfügt diese Ausgabe nicht über eine ISBN sondern nur über eine EAN. Diese lautet 8435407637207.

In einigen europäischen Ländern war diese Neuausgabe im Fachhandel bereits seit etwa Mitte September 2022 erhältlich.

Force and Destiny: Ghosts of Dathomir (11.11.2022)
Ära der Rebellion
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Introducing a new and mysterious Force power…

The dark side is calling you in Ghosts of Dathomir, an upcoming adventure supplement for the Star Wars: Force and Destiny roleplaying game. When a mysterious and powerful artifact suddenly surfaces on Toydaria, you embark on a journey into the lawless Outer Rim. Along the way you’ll enter negotiations with a ruthless Hutt kajidic, experience relentless Force visions, and discover some of the darkest secrets of the galaxy.

This 96-page, beautifully illustrated book introduces locations throughout the Star Wars galaxy, a new and mysterious Force power, and many adversaries including Toydarian merchants, ruthless mercenaries, Hutt crime lords, and powerful wielders of the dark side of the Force. Designed to be used with the Force and Destiny roleplaying game, Ghosts of Dathomir can also easily be integrated into an Age of Rebellion or Edge of the Empire campaign.


Entgegen der Beschriftung verfügt diese Ausgabe nicht über eine ISBN sondern nur über eine EAN. Diese lautet 8435407637191.

In einigen europäischen Ländern war diese Neuausgabe im Fachhandel bereits seit etwa Mitte September 2022 erhältlich.

Force and Destiny: Chronicles of the Gatekeeper (11.11.2022)
Ära der Rebellion
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I’m not looking for a friend. I’m looking for a Jedi Master…

In Chronicles of the Gatekeeper, an adventure supplement for the Star Wars: Force and Destiny roleplaying game, the holocron of a mysterious, vanished Jedi Knight surfaces. Its Gatekeeper offers to instruct you in an incredible Force power and leads you on a perilous interstellar quest in which every choice you make can affect countless innocent lives– and profoundly alter your destiny.

This 96-page, beautifully illustrated book introduces locations throughout the Star Wars galaxy, a new playable species, and a wide range of adversaries from local matriarchs and Clone Wars-era droids to sadistic criminals and vicious wild beasts. Designed to be used with the Force and Destiny roleplaying game, Chronicles of the Gatekeeper can also easily be integrated into an Age of Rebellion or Edge of the Empire campaign.


Entgegen der Beschriftung verfügt diese Ausgabe nicht über eine ISBN sondern nur über eine EAN. Diese lautet 8435407637146.

In einigen europäischen Ländern war diese Neuausgabe im Fachhandel bereits seit etwa Mitte September 2022 erhältlich.

Age of Rebellion: Game Master's Kit (11.11.2022)
Ära der Rebellion
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Gather your friends and prepare for adventure in the Star Wars galaxy!

Keep your Star Wars roleplaying campaign focused on the action with the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Game Master’s Kit. The GM Kit includes a GM screen which will keep all the information you’ll need as Game Master at your fingertips during your Age of Rebellion sessions. You’ll also find new rules for running military squads and squadrons. The GM Kit also includes a complete adventure, Dead in the Water, so you and your players can stand strong against the Empire, even after you’ve finished the adventure featured in the Core Rulebook.


Entgegen der Beschriftung verfügt diese Ausgabe nicht über eine ISBN sondern nur über eine EAN. Diese lautet 8435407637252.

In einigen europäischen Ländern war diese Neuausgabe im Fachhandel bereits seit etwa Mitte September 2022 erhältlich.

Das war es dann für die nächste Woche! Was ist diese mal für euch dabei? Weitere Neuerscheinungen finden sich wie immer in unserem Kalender.

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