Star Wars-Wochenvorschau KW 02/2024 (08.01. – 14.01.2024)

Die nächste Woche hält wieder einige Comics und Romane bereit. So erscheint die Taschenbuchausgabe zu The High Republic: Catalysm und eine Hardcover-Sonderausgabe zu Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void. Dazu gibt es noch das Finale der Comicadaption der zweiten Staffel von The Mandalorian und die 42. Ausgabe von Star Wars. Ferner erscheinen noch zwei The Mandalorian-Kinderbücher.

Englischsprachige Neuerscheinungen

Roman • Dienstag, 9. Januar 2024

The High Republic: Cataclysm (09.01.2024)
Lydia Kang – Autor*in
Yihyoung Li
Die Hohe Republik
Hohe Republik (382 VSY)
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After the thrilling events of The High Republic: Convergence, the Jedi race to confront the Path of the Open Hand and end the Forever War.

After five years of conflict, the planets Eiram and E’ronoh are on the cusp of real peace. But when news breaks of a disaster at the treaty signing on Jedha, violence reignites on the beleaguered worlds. Together, the royal heirs of both planets—Phan-tu Zenn and Xiri A’lbaran—working alongside the Jedi, have uncovered evidence that the conflict is being orchestrated by outside forces, and all signs point to the mysterious Path of the Open Hand, whom the Jedi also suspect of causing the disaster on Jedha.

With time—and answers—in short supply, the Jedi must divide their focus between helping quell the renewed violence on Eiram and E’ronoh and investigating the Path. Among them is Gella Nattai, who turns to the one person she believes can unravel the mystery but the last person she wants to trust: Axel Greylark. The chancellor’s son, imprisoned for his crimes, has always sought to unburden himself of the weight of his family name. Will he reconcile with the Jedi and aid in their quest for justice and peace, or embrace the Path’s promise of true freedom?

As all roads lead to Dalna, Gella and her allies prepare to take on a foe unlike any they’ve ever faced. And it will take all of their trust in the Force, and in one another, to survive.

Nun ist auch der zweite Erwachsenenroman der zweiten Phase von The High Republic als günstigeres Taschenbuch verfügbar. Florian hat ihn letztes Jahr bereits rezensiert, dazu hatten wir natürlich auch eine Ausgabe unseres JediCasts.

The Essential Legends: Into the Void (Dawn of the Jedi) (Limited Inkstone Books Hardcover Edition) (09.01.2024)
Tim Lebbon – Autor*in
Steph Littlebird
Prä-Republikanische Ära (25793 VSY)
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Exclusive Hardcover Signed & Numbered Special Edition of Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void

Discover the origins of the Jedi order, as a lone Je’daii ranger fights to save their ancient homeworld, Tython, from disaster.

On the planet Tython, the ancient Je’daii order was founded. And at the feet of its wise Masters, Lanoree Brock learned the mysteries and methods of the Force-and found her calling as one of its most powerful disciples. But as strongly as the Force flowed within Lanoree and her parents, it remained absent in her brother, who grew to despise and shun the Je’daii, and whose training in its ancient ways ended in tragedy.

Now, from her solitary life as a Ranger keeping order across the galaxy, Lanoree has been summoned by the Je’daii Council on a matter of utmost urgency. The leader of a fanatical cult, obsessed with traveling beyond the reaches of known space, is bent on opening a cosmic gateway using dreaded dark matter as the key-risking a cataclysmic reaction that will consume the entire star system. But more shocking to Lanoree than even the prospect of total galactic annihilation, is the decision of her Je’daii Masters to task her with the mission of preventing it. Until a staggering revelation makes clear why she was chosen: The brilliant, dangerous madman she must track down and stop at any cost is the brother whose death she has long grieved-and whose life she must now fear.


Diese auf 500 Exemplare limitierte, nummerierte und vom Autor signierte Sonderausgabe war exklusiv bei Inkstone Books erhältlich. Sie sollte ursprünglich am 4. Dezember 2023 erscheinen, musste aber aufgrund eines Produktionsfehlers auf Januar 2024 verschoben werden.

Mit Dawn of the Jedi geht es in die Urzeiten des Star Wars-Universums. Auch hier hat Florian den Roman schon rezensiert, vor fast 10 Jahren.

Star Wars #42 (10.01.2024)
Star Wars (Marvel 2020-2024)
Ära der Rebellion (4 NSY)



  • LUKE SKYWALKER weiß, dass sein Schicksal ihn zu einer Konfrontation mit DARTH VADER führt.
  • Aber Vader ist ein Dunkler Lord DER SITH und Luke gerade so ein JEDI.
  • Um irgendeine Chance zu haben, das zu überleben, muss er einen Weg finden, die Kampftechniken zu trainieren, mit denen er es schon bald zu tun haben wird. Er muss…EINEN WEITEREN SITH finden!

Die 42. Ausgabe von Star Wars erscheint dieses Mal mit vier Variantcovern, die ihr in der Galerie finden könnt.

Comic • Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2024

The Mandalorian Season Two #8 (10.01.2024)
Felipe Massafera
The Mandalorian
Die Neue Republik (9 NSY)



  • Der MANDALORIANER und seine Verbündeten versuchen eine gewagte Rettung.
  • MOFF GIDEON entfesselt die DUNKELTRUPPEN, während das Schicksal von GROGU in der Schwebe hängt!
  • Mit einem Gastauftritt eines UNERWARTETEN JEDI!

Mit dieser Ausgabe endet die Comic-Adaption der zweiten Staffel von The Mandalorian mit der Rettungsmission für Grogu. Das Heft ist dabei auch mit fünf Variantcovern erhältlich, die ihr der untenstehenden Galerie entnehmen könnt. Der Sammelband kommt am 9. April in den Handel.

The Mandalorian: The Adventures of Din Djarin (DK Super Readers Level 3) (09.01.2024)
Matt Jones – Autor*in
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Explore the galaxy with the Mandalorian in this high-quality, fun, nonfiction reader—carefully leveled to help children progress.

Learn more about the Mandalorian, Din Djarin, from Star Wars: The Mandalorian and from Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett. Join Din on his fantastic journey, while finding out more about his amazing allies, including Greef Karga, Boba Fett, Luke Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano.

The engaging text has been carefully leveled using Lexile so that children are set up to succeed. Exciting Star Wars images, clear vocabulary, and a fun quiz will test young readers and help them in building their reading ability as they learn about this galaxy, far, far away…..

The Mandalorian: The Adventures of Din Djarin (DK Super Readers Level 3) (09.01.2024)
Matt Jones – Autor*in
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Explore the galaxy with the Mandalorian in this high-quality, fun, nonfiction reader—carefully leveled to help children progress.

Learn more about the Mandalorian, Din Djarin, from Star Wars: The Mandalorian and from Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett. Join Din on his fantastic journey, while finding out more about his amazing allies, including Greef Karga, Boba Fett, Luke Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano.

The engaging text has been carefully leveled using Lexile so that children are set up to succeed. Exciting Star Wars images, clear vocabulary, and a fun quiz will test young readers and help them in building their reading ability as they learn about this galaxy, far, far away…..

Das war es dann auch schon! Was ist für euch nächste Woche dabei? Weitere Neuerscheinungen finden sich wie immer in unserem Kalender.

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