Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie – 100 Postcards

Werk / Ausgabe • Kinderbücher & Sonstiges

Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie - 100 Postcards (03.10.2017)
Dienstag, 3. Oktober 2017
Ralph McQuarrie – Zeichnungen
Ralph McQuarrie
Star Wars Art
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Ralph McQuarrie is the most iconic artist in the history of Star Wars. He worked hand-in-hand with George Lucas to help establish the saga’s visual aesthetic, its inimitable look and feel. Carefully selected from the definitive volume, Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie, these postcards are a celebration of Star Wars as a masterpiece of design and world-building. The deluxe keepsake package also functions as a display frame: the box features a die-cut window, so fans can rotate their favorite production design paintings into view.


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Eintrag erstellt von: Florian. Letzte Änderung von: Florian.