Die nächste Woche hält einiges aus der Epoche der Hohen Republik bereit. Neben dem Sonderheft Kelnacca über den Wookiee-Jedi aus The Acolyte, erscheinen auch zwei Ausgaben der High Republic Adventures und neue Kinderbücher der Young Jedi Adventures. Doch auch für Fans der klassischen Ära gibt es einen neuen Sammelband von Star Wars und die Star Wars-Archives in einer handlicheren Ausgabe.
Deutschsprachige Neuerscheinungen
Magazin • Freitag, 6. September 2024
Reihe LEGO Star Wars Magazin |
Im neuen LEGO® Star Wars™ Magazin steckt alles drin, was Jungen-Herzen höher schlagen lässt. Zwei spannende Comics aus dem Star Wars™ Universum, viele Infos, knifflige Rätsel, tolle Gewinnspiele und exklusive Poster.
Als besonderes Highlight gibt es in jeder Ausgabe ein exklusives LEGO® Star Wars™ Extra!
Englischsprachige Neuerscheinungen
Comic • Mittwoch, 4. September 2024
Cover Phil Noto |
Reihe The Acolyte |
Timeline Hohe Republik |
- CAVAN SCOTT and MARIKA CRESTA bring the action as Wookiee Jedi Kelnacca steps into the pages of his own issue!
- Delve deep into the history of Kelnacca and the world of the High Republic in this bombastic one-shot!
- Includes an exclusive interview with Kelnacca actor Joonas Suotamo.
- CAVAN SCOTT und MARIKA CRESTA bringen den Wookiee-Jedi Kelnacca auf die actiongeladenen Seiten seiner eigenen Ausgabe!
- Taucht in diesem bombastischen Einzelheft tief in die Geschichte von Kelnacca und die Welt der Hohen Republik ein!
- Mit einem exklusiven Interview mit Kelnaccas Darsteller Joonas Suotamo.
Der One-Shot Kelnacca erzählt von Wookiee-Jedi aus The Acolyte im Zeitalter der Hohen Republik. Das Heft erscheint dabei auch mit vier Variantcovern, die ihr in der Galerie finden könnt. Die Ausgabe wird dann am 19. November 2024 gemeinsam mit dem zweiten Handlungsbogen für The High Republic gesammelt.

Comic • Dienstag, 3. September 2024
Reihe Star Wars (Marvel 2020-2024) |
Timeline Ära der Rebellion (4 NSY) |
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The next shocking chapter in the saga of Luke Skywalker! Luke knows his destiny is leading him toward a confrontation with Darth Vader. But Vader is a Dark Lord of the Sith, and Luke is barely even a Jedi. To have any chance at survival, he must find a way to train himself in the battle techniques he will soon face. He must find…another Sith! But his target senses a chance at a new ascendancy! Trapped deep behind enemy lines, how will Luke survive? And who will he be if he does? Plus: Lando Calrissian’s past actions come back to haunt him as he faces trial for crimes against the Alliance! And his only hope may lie with…Darth Vader?! Collecting STAR WARS (2020) #42-47, and material from STAR WARS: REVELATIONS (2023) #1 and FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2024: STAR WARS.
Comic • Mittwoch, 4. September 2024
Reihen |
Timeline Hohe Republik (228 VSY) |
After rescuing Nihil villain Krix Kamerat from a Republic prison, vigilante Crash Ongwa and her crew team up with the former Nihil to hunt down Marchion Ro. But taking out the infamous warlord is easier said than done, especially when the insufferable Krix is involved. Can Crash and her newfound partner overcome their differences, or will infighting be their downfall?
- Written by New York Times bestselling author Daniel José Older, one of the original story architects of the Star Wars High Republic initiative!
Nachdem sie den Nihil-Schurken Krix Kamerat aus einem republikanischen Gefängnis befreit haben, verbünden die auf Selbstjustiz sinnende Crash Ongwa und ihre Crew sich mit dem Ex-Nihil, um Marchion Ro zur Strecke zu bringen. Doch den berüchtigten Kriegsherrn auszuschalten ist leichter gesagt denn getan wenn der unausstehliche Krix mit im Spiel ist. Können Crash und ihr neuer Partner ihre Differenzen überbrücken oder werden interne Querelen ihr Untergang sein?
- Geschrieben von New York Times-Bestsellerautor Daniel José Older, einem der ursprünglichen Story-Architekten der Star Wars: Die Hohe Republik-Initiative!
Comic • Mittwoch, 4. September 2024
Reihen |
Timeline Hohe Republik (228 VSY) |
Jedi Knight Reath Silas and Jedi Padawan Amadeo Azzazzo are charged with delving into the Jedi Archives to learn more about the mysterious Echo Stones and their Force-amplifying powers. In their search, they uncover the dark legend of the ancient Sith Lord, Darth Ravi, and his quest to solve an ancient puzzle that could grant him power beyond imagining . . . or destroy him utterly.
- Written by bestselling author George Mann, the writer behind Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures–The Nameless Terror and Star Wars: The High Republic–The Battle of Jedha.
Jedi-Ritter Reath Silas und Jedi-Padawan Amadeo Azzazzo werden beauftragt, in den Jedi-Archiven zu stöbern, um mehr über die mysteriösen Echo-Steine und ihre machtverstärkenden Kräfte zu erfahren. Auf ihrer Suche entdecken sie die dunkle Legende eines alten Sith-Lords, Darth Ravi, und dessen Bestreben, ein uraltes Rätsel zu lösen, das ihm unvorstellbare Macht gewähren… oder ihn vollständig zerstören könnte.
- Geschrieben von Bestsellerautor George Mann, dem Autor hinter Star Wars: Die Hohe Republik – Abenteuer: Der namenlose Schrecken und Star Wars: Die Hohe Republik: Die Schlacht von Jedha.
Sachbuch • Dienstag, 3. September 2024
Reihe Das Star Wars Archiv |
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Star Wars exploded onto our cinema screens in 1977, and the world has not been the same since. In this book, George Lucas guides us through the original trilogy like never before, recounting the inspirations, experiences, and stories that created a modern monomyth. Complete with script pages, concept art, storyboards, on-set photography, and more.
Star Wars exploded onto our cinema screens in 1977, and the world has not been the same since. After watching depressing and cynical movies throughout the early 1970s, audiences enthusiastically embraced the positive energy of the Star Wars universe as they followed moisture farmer Luke Skywalker on his journey through a galaxy far, far away, meeting extraordinary characters like mysterious hermit Obi-Wan Kenobi, space pirates Han Solo and Chewbacca, loyal droids C-3PO and R2-D2, bold Princess Leia and the horrific Darth Vader, servant of the dark, malevolent Emperor.
Writer, director, and producer George Lucas created the modern monomyth of our time, one that resonates with the child in us all. He formed Industrial Light & Magic to develop cutting-edge special effects technology, which he combined with innovative editing techniques and a heightened sense of sound to give audiences a unique sensory cinematic experience.
In this first volume, made with the full cooperation of Lucasfilm, Lucas narrates his own story, taking us through the making of the original trilogy—Episode IV: A New Hope, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, and Episode VI: Return of the Jedi—and bringing fresh insights into the creation of a unique universe. Complete with script pages, production documents, concept art, storyboards, on-set photography, stills, and posters, this tome is an authoritative exploration of the original saga as told by its creator.
Diese Ausgabe ist kleiner als die ursprüngliche, überdimensionierte Coffee-Table-Ausgabe von Star Wars Archives, enthält aber den vollständigen Inhalt, anders als die gekürzten und umformatierten Editionen, die zwischenzeitlich erschienen sind.
Kinderbücher & Sonstiges • Dienstag, 3. September 2024
Mitwirkende Emeli Juhlin – Autor*in |
Reihen |
Timeline Hohe Republik (232 VSY) |
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Tied to the very first full-length animated Star Wars series created for preschoolers and their families, set in the exciting new era of the High Republic!
In this Level 1 early reader, Jedi younglings Kai, Lys, and Nubs visit another planet to help the townspeople organize a festival that celebrates what it means to be thankful. But when their new friend reveals that her grandfather won’t be joining the celebration because of a disagreement over the importance of traditions, they’ll all be reminded that a holiday is best spent with those you love.
The World of Reading early readers are designed to offer reluctant readers books they will want to read by featuring stories about the characters they love from a galaxy far, far away.
Kinderbücher & Sonstiges • Dienstag, 3. September 2024
Reihen |
Timeline Hohe Republik (232 VSY) |
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This Little Golden Book is based on an exciting episode of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures airing on Disney Jr. and Disney+!
Young Jedi-in-training Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs are helping ranchers move their herd of wellagrins across a snow-capped mountainside. But when an avalanche scatters the herd, will Lys’s creature knowledge help corral the wellagrins and safely guide them back to the other side of the mountain?
The first full-length animated Star Wars series created for preschoolers and their families, Young Jedi Adventures follows younglings as they are swept off into adventures and start their journeys on the path to becoming Jedi Knights, learning valuable skills for our galaxy and the galaxy far, far away. The Jedi-in-training will tackle topics of compassion, self-discipline, teamwork, patience, and friendship.
Das war es dann auch schon! Was ist für euch nächste Woche dabei? Weitere Neuerscheinungen findet ihr wie immer in unserem Kalender.