Nächste Woche erscheint die nächste Welle der Essential Legends Collection-Reihe mit Romanen aus der Zeit der Alten Republik, den Klonkriegen und der Neuen Republik. Außerdem startet die neue Miniserie Mace Windu, ebenfalls erwartet uns die fünfte Ausgabe der Serien-Adaption Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Comic • Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2024
Variante von The Mandalorian Season Two #8 |
Cover Erik M. Gist |
Dieses Variantcover war exklusiv beim Autogrammhändler Official Pix erhältlich.
Comic • Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2024
Variante von The Mandalorian Season Two #8 |
Cover Erik M. Gist |
Dieses Variantcover war exklusiv beim Autogrammhändler Official Pix erhältlich.
Comic • Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2024
Variante von The Mandalorian Season Two #8 |
Cover Erik M. Gist |
Dieses auf 600 Exemplare limitierte Variantcover war exklusiv bei Trinity Comics auf der MegaCon (1.-4. Februar 2024 in Orlando, Florida) erhältlich.
Englischsprachige Neuerscheinungen
Roman • Dienstag, 6. Februar 2024
Mitwirkende John Jackson Miller – Autor*in |
Cover Dominik Mayer |
Reihen |
Timeline Ära der Alten Republik (1032 VSY) |
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A thousand years before Luke Skywalker, a generation before Darth Bane, in a galaxy far, far away . . .
The Republic is in crisis. The Sith roam unchecked, vying with one another to dominate the galaxy. But one lone Jedi, Kerra Holt, is determined to take down the Dark Lords. Her enemies are strange and many: Lord Daiman, who imagines himself the creator of the universe; Lord Odion, who intends to be its destroyer; the curious siblings Quillan and Dromika; the enigmatic Arkadia. So many warring Sith weaving a patchwork of brutality—with only Kerra Holt to defend the innocents caught underfoot.
Sensing a sinister pattern in the chaos, Kerra embarks on a journey that will take her into fierce battles against even fiercer enemies. With one against so many, her only chance of success lies with forging alliances among those who serve her enemies—including a mysterious Sith spy and a clever mercenary general. But will they be her adversaries or her salvation?
Roman • Dienstag, 6. Februar 2024
Mitwirkende Karen Traviss – Autor*in |
Cover Deena So'Oteh |
Reihen |
Timeline Ära des Aufstiegs des Imperiums, Klonkriege (19 VSY) |
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After the fierce combat of Hard Contact, Triple Zero, and True Colors comes the spectacular culmination of New York Times bestselling author Karen Traviss’s gripping Republic Commando series. As a battle-scarred era nears its end, a shattering power play is about to stun the entire galaxy . . . and set in motion events that will alter destinies and resound throughout history.
Even as the Clone Wars are about to reach an explosive climax, no one knows if victory will favor the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) or the Separatists. But no matter who wins, the stakes are highest for elite Special Ops clones like the Republic Commandos in Omega and Delta squads–and the notorious renegade Advance Recon Commando troopers known as Null ARCs.
With Republic forces stretched to the max and casualties mounting, the last thing these beleaguered warriors need to hear is that Chancellor Palpatine is keeping vast armies of secret clone troops in reserve. Sergeant Skirata, a mentor to the clone commandos, has no intention of standing idly by while Palpatine sends them into battle like lambs to the slaughter. Skirata begins to plan the clones’ escape from the GAR, but his heroic effort will be in vain unless he can reverse the clones’ accelerated aging process.
Caught in the treacherous dealings of their leaders, and locked in the battles of their lives, the disillusioned Null ARCs and Commandos nonetheless fight with everything they’ve got, determined to wrest victory from the Seps and save the galaxy.
But even the deadliest weapons may not be powerful enough to defeat the real menace. And nothing will stop the apocalyptic horror unleashed when Palpatine utters the chilling words The time has come. Execute Order 66. Translation: The Jedi have tried to stage a coup, and all must be shot on sight.
With their faith in the Republic and their loyalty to their Jedi allies put to the ultimate test, how will the men of Omega and Delta squads react to the most infamous command in galactic history? All the breathtaking action, suspense, and intrigue of Karen Traviss’s Republic Commando series comes alive in Star Wars: Order 66.
Roman • Dienstag, 6. Februar 2024
Mitwirkende Aaron Allston – Autor*in |
Cover Dolay |
Reihen |
Timeline Ära der Neuen Republik (7 NSY) |
Affiliate-Links ¹ |
They are the galaxy’s most elite fighting force. And as the battle against the Empire rages, the X-wing fighters risk life and machine to protect the Rebel Alliance. Now they must go on a daring undercover mission–as the crew of an Imperial warship.
It is Wedge Antilles’ boldest creation: a covert-action unit of X-wing fighters, its pilots drawn from the dregs of other units, castoffs and rejects given one last chance. But before the new pilots can complete their training, the squadron’s base is attacked by former Imperial admiral Trigit, and Wraith Squadron is forced to swing into action–taking over an Imperial warship and impersonating its crew. The mission: to gain vital intelligence about Trigit’s secret weapons, to sabotage the admiral’s plans, and to lure him into an Alliance trap. But the high-stakes gamble pits Wraith Squadron’s ragtag renegades against the Empire’s most brilliant master of guile and deception.
Are they up to the challenge?
If not, the penalty is instant death.
Nach dem Abschluss der Befreiung von Coruscant übernahm Aaron Allston die X-Wing-Reihe mit der Gründung der Gespenster-Staffel. Der Roman ist auch als Hörbuch, gelesen von Marc Thompson, erhältlich.
Comic • Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2024
Cover Mateus Manhanini |
Reihe Mace Windu |
Timeline Niedergang der Jedi |
ONE OF THE GREATEST JEDI MUST STOP AN INCENDIARY SECRET FROM FALLING INTO THE WRONG HANDS! Even in the years before THE CLONE WARS, MACE WINDU was known for his discipline, determination and combat skills. When a scientist’s discovery threatens the balance of the galaxy, Mace is led down a treacherous path of mystery and action. Introducing AZITA CRUUZ, a pirate with a deadly secret, who the HUTTS and the REPUBLIC will stop at nothing to control!
EINER DER GRÖSSTEN JEDI MUSS VERHINDERN, DASS EIN BRISANTES GEHEIMNIS IN DIE FALSCHEN HÄNDE GERÄT! Schon in den Jahren vor THE CLONE WARS war MACE WINDU für seine Disziplin, Entschlossenheit und Kampfkunst bekannt. Als die Entdeckung eines Wissenschaftlers das Gleichgewicht der Galaxie bedroht, wird Mace auf einen verräterischen Pfad voller Geheimnisse und Action geführt. Wir stellen AZITA CRUUZ vor, eine Piratin mit einem tödlichen Geheimnis, die die HUTTS und die REPUBLIK mit allen Mitteln unter Kontrolle halten wollen!
In der neuen Miniserie reisen wir mit Mace Windu wieder zurück in die Zeit vor den Klonkriegen. Die erste Ausgabe erscheint dabei mit vier Variantcovern, die ihr in der Galerie finden könnt. Der Sammelband kommt am 6. August 2024 in den Handel.
Comic • Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2024
Reihe Obi-Wan Kenobi |
Timeline Herrschaft des Imperiums (9 VSY) |
DARTH VADER STRIKES! Imperial forces attempt to draw OBI-WAN out! REVA, Third Sister of the INQUISITORS, has tightened her grip on the Path outpost that hides the wanted Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi. The penultimate chapter of the OBI-WAN KENOBI Disney+ series ends with a BANG!
DARTH VADER SCHLÄGT ZU! Imperiale Truppen versuchen, OBI-WAN hervorzulocken! REVA, die dritte Schwester der INQUISITORS, hat den Außenposten des Pfades, in dem sich der gesuchte Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi versteckt, noch fester in ihrer Gewalt. Das vorletzte Kapitel der OBI-WAN KENOBI Disney+ Serie endet mit einem KNALL!
Die Situation spitzt sich zu für Obi-Wan und den Pfad auf Jabiim. Die fünfte Ausgabe erscheint auch mit einem Variantcover von Ken Lashley und einem Variant von Todd Nauck. Der Sammelband ist ab dem 11. Juni 2024 erhältlich.
Das war es dann auch schon! Was ist für euch nächste Woche dabei? Weitere Neuerscheinungen finden sich wie immer in unserem Kalender.