Nach nur etwas mehr als acht Monaten erscheint nächste Woche schon der zweite Band in der Thrawn-Ascendancy-Trilogie über die „jungen“ Jahre des Thrawns. Auch der erste Band wird nun als günstigeres Taschenbuch erhältlich sein. Das Zeitalter der Hohen Republik wird natürlich auch aufwarten können – mit einer neuen Kurzgeschichte im Insider, ebenso erscheint der Abschluss des aktuellen Darth-Vader-Handlungsbogens. Neben einigen Kinderbüchern gibt es zudem noch ein Artbook zu Galaxy’s Edge.
Englischsprachige Neuerscheinungen
Roman • Dienstag, 27. April 2021
Mitwirkende Timothy Zahn – Autor*in |
Cover Sarofsky Design |
Reihe Thrawn - Der Aufstieg |
Timeline Niedergang der Jedi (19 VSY bis 18 VSY) |
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Thrawn and his allies race to save the Chiss Ascendancy from an unseen enemy in the second book in the epic Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy trilogy from bestselling author Timothy Zahn.
Thrawn’s latest triumph still rests newly on his shoulders. Despite leading the Chiss to victory and bringing glory to the House of Mitth, the true threat to the Ascendancy has not yet been extinguished. Their foes do not send threats or ultimatums, or mass ships on the edge of the Chaos. Their weapons come cloaked in smiles and generosity: Gifts offered freely. Services granted unconditionally.
Across the Ascendancy, seemingly inconsequential events could herald the doom of the Chiss. As Thrawn and the Expansionary Defense Fleet rally to uncover the enemy plot, they discover a chilling truth: rather than invade Chiss capitals or pillage their resources, they strike at the very foundation of the Ascendancy, seeking to widen the rifts between The Nine Ruling Families and the Forty Great Houses below. As rivalry and suspicion sow discord among allies, each warrior must decide what matters most to them: the security of their family, or the survival of the Ascendancy itself.
Der letzte Gegner mag niedergerrungen sein, doch scheinbar unabhängige Ergeignisse lassen das Reich der Chiss nicht zur Ruhe kommen. Der zweite Band der Thrawn-Ascendancy-Trilogie erscheint auch als E-Book, als Audio-Download, als von Timothy Zahn signierte Ausgabe, als Barnes-&-Nobles-Ausagbe mit poster und als Export Edition für den internationalen Markt.
Roman • Dienstag, 27. April 2021
Mitwirkende Timothy Zahn – Autor*in |
Cover Sarofsky Design |
Reihe Thrawn - Der Aufstieg |
Timeline Niedergang der Jedi (19 VSY) |
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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Discover Thrawn’s origins within the Chiss Ascendancy in the first book in an epic new Star Wars trilogy from bestselling author Timothy Zahn.
Beyond the edge of the galaxy lies the Unknown Regions: chaotic, uncharted, and near impassable, with hidden secrets and dangers in equal measure. And nestled within its swirling chaos is the Ascendancy, home to the enigmatic Chiss and the Nine Ruling Families that lead them.
The peace of the Ascendancy, a beacon of calm and stability, is shattered after a daring attack on the Chiss capital that leaves no trace of the enemy. Baffled, the Ascendancy dispatches one of its brightest young military officers to root out the unseen assailants. A recruit born of no title, but adopted into the powerful family of the Mitth and given the name Thrawn.
With the might of the Expansionary Fleet at his back, and the aid of his comrade Admiral Ar’alani, answers begin to fall into place. But as Thrawn’s first command probes deeper into the vast stretch of space his people call the Chaos, he realizes that the mission he has been given is not what it seems.
And the threat to the Ascendancy is only just beginning.
Comic • Mittwoch, 28. April 2021
Reihe Darth Vader (Marvel, 2020-2024) |
Timeline Ära der Rebellion (3 NSY) |
- As punishment for his rebellion, DARTH VADER was broken by THE EMPEROR, his limbs shattered, forbidden to use THE FORCE.
- But after surviving OCHI OF BESTOON, THE EYE OF WEBBISH BOGG and the horrors of THE RED NEBULA, Vader stands on the verge of uncovering the Emperor’s greatest secrets.
- But will the revelations on EXEGOL empower Vader — or his master? And what new doom awaits LUKE SKYWALKER as a result?
- Als Strafe für seine Rebellion wurde DARTH VADER vom IMPERATOR gebrochen, der seine Gliedmaßen zerschmetterte und ihm den Einsatz der MACHT verbat.
- Doch nachdem er OCHI VON BESTOON, DAS AUGE DES NEBELSUMPFES und die Schrecken des ROTEN NEBELS überlebt hatte, steht Vader nun davor, die größten Geheimnisse des Imperators zu entdecken.
- Doch werden die Enthüllungen auf EXEGOL Vader ermächtigen – oder seinen Meister? Und welches neue Verderben blüht infolgedessen LUKE SKYWALKER?
Darth Vaders Nachforschungen auf Exagol gehen in dieser Ausgabe zu Ende. Das Heft erscheint auch mit einem TESB-Variant von Chris Sprouse und einem Variant von Jan Duursema.
Sachbuch • Dienstag, 27. April 2021
Cover Erik Tiemens |
Reihen |
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The Art of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is the only book to provide an inside look at the magic behind the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge themed lands at Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney World Resort, documenting the art and innovations that led to the creation of Galaxy’s Edge. Featuring hundreds of full-color concept artworks, sketches, blueprints, photographs, and more, the book will reveal Walt Disney Imagineering’s creative process.
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge invites guests to explore Black Spire Outpost, located on the remote Outer Rim planet Batuu—a spaceport bustling with First Order and Resistance activity where guests can interact with droids, creatures, and fan-favorite characters. Alongside Black Spire Outpost’s vibrant cantina and marketplace, a new and original score composed by John Williams accompanies guests as they seek out the land’s two major attractions: Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run, which allows guests to commandeer the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy, and Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance, in which guests find themselves in the crossfire of a ferocious battle between the Resistance and the First Order.
Exclusive interviews with the key creative minds who shaped the lands’ design provide commentary on what it’s like to dream and then build a life-size Star Wars adventure.
Plus, the book offers an inside look at the upcoming Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser experience, a first-of-its-kind immersive two-night adventure.
Sachbuch • Dienstag, 27. April 2021
Mitwirkende Jason Fry – Autor*in |
Reihen |
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Meet more than 200 incredible clones and droids from Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
What is Clone Force 99? Who inducted Ahsoka Tano into the Jedi Order? Where does General Grievous keep a secret lair? Why does Captain Rex mutiny against his Jedi General on Umbara?
Have to know the answers to these questions? Look no further than Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Clones vs. Droids. Written by a Star Wars expert, this illustrated encyclopedia features more than 200 incredible characters and teams, including Anakin Skywalker, Darth Maul, Bo-Katan Kryze, and Clone Force 99.
Perfect for fans of all ages, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Clones vs. Droids will enthrall readers for hours on end.
Sachbuch • Dienstag, 27. April 2021
Mitwirkende S.T. Bende – Autor*in |
Reihe Tiny Books |
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Hold a thousand generations of Jedi history in the palm of your hand with Star Wars: The Tiny Book of Jedi.
This tiny book compiles the lore behind the most legendary Jedi and Light Side heroes from every era of Star Wars, from Yoda, to Luke Skywalker, Ezra Bridger, Rey, and beyond. Packed with dazzling art, this pocket-sized book is part of Insight Editions’ new collectible series of tiny books — the perfect gift for any Star Wars fan.
- Hold Jedi lore in the palm of your hand: A pocket-sized format makes this book the cutest addition to your Star Wars bookshelf. A cloth bookmark also lets you hang this tiny book as an ornament or keepsake.
- The perfect Star Wars gift: Great as a stocking stuffer, or as a novelty gift for your favorite Star Wars fan, this tiny book is sure to please readers of all ages.
- Discover Jedi wisdom: This tiny book features quotes from and fun facts about Jedi from all of Star Wars. From the Jedi Order to the Age of Resistance, this is a fun and exciting overview of beloved Jedi and Light Side heroes.
- Packed with art: Experience a range of iconic illustrations and photographs spanning the Star Wars films, television shows, novels, and beyond.
Sachbuch • Dienstag, 27. April 2021
Mitwirkende S.T. Bende – Autor*in |
Reihe Tiny Books |
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Hold the legacy of evil across the Star Wars galaxy in the palm of your hand with Star Wars: The Tiny Book of Sith.
This tiny book compiles the lore behind the most powerful disciples of evil and the dark side from every era of Star Wars, from Darth Maul, to Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, and beyond. Packed with dazzling art, this pocket-sized book is part of Insight Editions’ new collectible series of tiny books — the perfect gift for any Star Wars fan.
- Hold Sith lore in the palm of your hand: A pocket-sized format makes this book the cutest addition to your Star Wars bookshelf. A cloth bookmark also lets you hang this tiny book as an ornament or keepsake.
- The perfect Star Wars gift: Great as a stocking stuffer, or as a novelty gift for your favorite Star Wars fan, this tiny book is sure to please readers of all ages.
- Discover Dark Side knowledge: Featuring quotes and fun facts, this tiny book chronicles the darkest deeds of the most evil villains from all of Star Wars, from the Sith to wretched despots and scoundrels from the furthest reaches of space. From the Age of Republic to the Age of Resistance, this is a journey through the evil shadowy regions of the Star Wars galaxy.
- Packed with art: Experience a range of iconic illustrations and photographs spanning the Star Wars films, television shows, novels, and beyond.
Kinderbücher & Sonstiges • Dienstag, 27. April 2021
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Feel the power of the Force as you enjoy hours of crocheting fun in the Star Wars universe!
An out-of-this-world crocheting adventure, the Star Wars Crochet kit offers a fun and interactive experience by including a full-color paperback book with step-by-step instructions for crocheting some of the most memorable characters from the original Star Wars trilogy. Also included in the kit are yarn, a crochet hook, a needle, stuffing, and safety eyes, enough to complete two projects—Yoda and R2-D2. The instruction book shows you how to make twelve different characters, so your crochet collection will soon include Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Jabba the Hutt, and many other favorites.
Magazin • Mittwoch, 28. April 2021
Reihen |
You’ve never seen Empire quite like this! To celebrate the 40th anniversary of one of the all-time great cinematic sequels, Marvel asked enthusiastic artist Chris Sprouse (BLACK PANTHER, THORS) to retell The Empire Strikes Back in a stunning series of variant covers! Month by month, across multiple Star Wars series, the film’s unforgettable moments played out through Sprouse’s exquisite artwork. Now the whole story of the resurgent Empire targeting the Rebel Alliance’s icy base on Hoth — and every momentous event that follows — is collected in a single celebratory issue! Bounty hunters target Han Solo! Luke Skywalker seeks out Jedi Master Yoda! Feelings run high between Han and Leia! And as the battle begins for Skywalker’s soul, will his fear lead to anger, hate and the Dark Side?
Ihr habt Imperium noch nie in dieser Form gesehen! Um das 40. Jubiläum einer der großartigsten Fortsetzungen der Filmgeschichte zu feiern hat Marvel den enthusiastischen Künstler Chris Sprouse (BLACK PANTHER, THORS) gebeten, Das Imperium schlägt zurück mit einer atemberaubenden Serie von Variantcovern nachzuerzählen! Monat für Monat spielten sich die unvergesslichen Momente des Comics über mehrere Star Wars-Serien verteilt in Sprouses exquisiten Kunstwerken ab. Nun wird die gesamte Geschichte wie das wieder aufstrebende Imperium die eisige Basis der Rebellenallianz auf Hoth ins Visier nahm – und jedes monumentale Ereignis, das darauf folgt – erstmals in einer einzigen Sonderausgabe gesammelt! Kopfgeldjäger nehmen Han Solo ins Visier! Luke Skywalker sucht den Jedi-Meister Yoda auf! Die Gefühle nehmen Überhand zwischen Han und Leia! Und wird im beginnenden Kampf um Skywalkers Seele seine Furcht zu Zorn, Hass und der dunklen Seite führen?
Chris Sprouse steuerte zum vierzig jährigen Jubiläum zu Das Imperium schlägt zurück vierzig Variantcover für allerhand Comics bei. Durch die Coronapandemie konnten nicht mehr alle letztes Jahr erscheinen, so werden in den kommenden Wochen noch einige Variants in den Comicläden landen. Das Werk erscheint auch mit einem Filmposter-Variant.

Magazin • Dienstag, 27. April 2021
Mitwirkende Cavan Scott – Autor*in |
Reihen |
Timeline Hohe Republik (232 VSY) |
Go behind the scenes of Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge!
Cast members Bobby Moynihan and Debra Wilson take fans through ILMxLAB’s expansive VR experience.Discover how to keep a feisty astromech under control with R2-D2 wranglers Lee Towersey and Hassan Taj, Plus our exciting Star Wars: The High Republic fiction continues.
Die neueste Insider-Ausgabe wartet wieder mit einen neuen Kurzgeschichte aus dem Zeitalter der Hohen Republik auf und erscheint als Comic Store Variant, mit einem Grogu-Cover, dasselbe als Virgin-Cover und einem Abonnenten-Cover.
Star Wars Insider #202 (Comic Store Cover) (27.04.2021) Star Wars Insider #202 (Grogu Cover) (27.04.2021) Star Wars Insider #202 (Grogu Virgin Cover) (27.04.2021) Star Wars Insider #202 (Subscriber Cover) (27.04.2021)
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Laut amazon kommt das Jedi und Sith Buch im Januar 2022. Gibt es da inzwischen wieder eine Änderung oder bleibt es dabei?
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