Adventures in Wild Space 0: The Escape

Ausgabe • Jugendroman

Adventures in Wild Space: The Escape (25.02.2016)
Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2016
David M. Buisán
Abenteuer im Wilden Raum
Herrschaft des Imperiums (18 VSY)
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A World Book Day 2016 title.

It is a dark time in a galaxy far, far away…

When the parents of Milo and Lina Graf are abducted by agents of the evil Empire, the children must undertake a perilous journey across the unknown reaches of Wild Space to rescue them – and to discover hope for the future.

his World Book Day £1 book kicks off a brand-new original fiction series set in the Star Wars universe! Look out for the other titles in the series: The Nest and The Snare.


16.02.2016 • Adventures in Wild Space: The Escape von Cavan Scott • Florian • 3/5

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Adventures in Wild Space: The Escape (25.02.2016)
Adventures in Wild Space: The Escape (25.02.2016)
Eintrag erstellt von: Florian. Letzte Änderung von: Florian.