The Last of the Jedi 4: Death on Naboo

Ausgabe • Jugendroman

The Last of the Jedi 4: Death on Naboo (15.03.2006)
Mittwoch, 15. März 2006
Jude Watson – Autor*in
John Van Fleet
  • bei Scholastic
  • Taschenbuch, 135 Seiten
  • ISBN 978-0-439-68137-7
  • $5,99 USD
Der letzte Jedi
Ära des Aufstiegs des Imperiums (18 VSY)
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Who Are the Last of the Jedi?

Ex-Jedi Ferus Olin has been imprisoned by the Empire. His crime? Trying to save the Jedi Order.

The sinister Empire won’t be able to hold Ferus for long—not when he has a friend on the inside. But escaping is only part of the problem. Ferus’s quest is going to take him to the planet of Naboo, where a secret vital to the survival of the Jedi and the entire galaxy is being kept…and is in danger of being revealed.

In order to keep this secret, Ferus will have to face the ruthless Inquisitor Malorum. A battle will be fought—and lives will be lost.

Who will die on Naboo?

The thrilling new series from The New York Times bestselling author of Jedi Apprentice and Jedi Quest.

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