The Han Solo Trilogy 1: The Paradise Snare
Ausgabe • Roman
Datum Dienstag, 20. Februar 2007 |
Cover Drew Struzan |
Reihe Die Han-Solo-Trilogie |
Timeline Ära des Aufstiegs des Imperiums (10 VSY) |
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Here is the first book in the blockbuster trilogy that chronicles the never-before-told story of the young Han Solo. Set before the Star Wars movie adventures, these books chronicle the coming-of-age of the galaxy’s most famous con man, smuggler, and thief.
The first book in this exciting new Han Solo series begins with a recounting of Han’s late teen years and shows us how he escaped an unhappy adopted home situation to carve out an adventurous new life for himself as a pilot. Han Solo, the handsome rogue, is every girl’s dream man, and every boy’s hero. The Paradise Snare is another stellar Star Wars production, complete with original music and sound effects.
Enthaltene Werke
The Han Solo Trilogy 1: The Paradise Snare Deutscher Titel: Die Han-Solo-Trilogie 1: Der Pilot Ann C. Crispin (Autor*in) Ann C. Crispin (Autor*in) |
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