Young Jedi Knights 3: The Lost Ones
Ausgabe • Jugendroman
Datum Montag, 15. März 1999 |
Cover Dave Dorman |
Reihe Young Jedi Knights |
Timeline Ära der Neuen Republik (23 NSY) |
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One of a series of Star Wars novels for children, featuring many of the original characters as well as new ones. Jacen and Jaina, the 14-year-old twins of Han Solo and Princess Leia, now attend the Jedi Knight Academy which was set up by Luke Skywalker on Yavin 4.
Enthaltene Werke
Young Jedi Knights 3: The Lost Ones Deutscher Titel: Young Jedi Knights 3: Die Verlorenen Kevin J. Anderson (Autor*in), Rebecca Moesta (Autor*in) Kevin J. Anderson (Autor*in), Rebecca Moesta (Autor*in) |
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