Star Pilot (DK Readers Level 3, Revised)

Ausgabe • Kinderbücher & Sonstiges

Star Pilot (01.09.2015)
Dienstag, 1. September 2015
DK Readers
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Re-jacketed, refreshed, and now with expanded content and interactive spreads to appeal to the newest generation of readers. This innovative range of graded readers combines a highly visual approach with stories that children will want to read.

DK Reader Level 3: Star Wars: Star Pilot features a lively, fact-packed narrative about the spaceships and vehicles of Star Wars. What is the biggest spaceship? What is a Jedi starfighter? This exciting book has all the answers!

Level 3 is for children able to read on their own. The stories are exciting and captivating in order to develop the child’s own desire to read. More text and more complex sentence structure are presented, with information spreads to help develop the reader’s general knowledge. The choice of subject widens to match the broadening of children’s experiences and interests.

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Eintrag erstellt von: Florian. Letzte Änderung von: Florian.