The Clone Wars: Ambush
Ausgabe • Comic
Datum Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2009 |
Mitwirkende Zachary Rau – Autor*in |
Reihe The Clone Wars TV-Comic |
Timeline Ära des Aufstiegs des Imperiums, Klonkriege (22 VSY) |
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In this full-color graphic novel, Jedi Master Yoda is on a secret diplomatic mission when his ship is ambushed by Count Dooku. The diminutive Jedi Master and three clone troopers must then face off against Dooku’s dreaded assassin Ventress and her massive droid army.
Enthaltene Werke
The Clone Wars: Ambush Deutscher Titel: The Clone Wars: Der Hinterhalt Zachary Rau (Autor*in) Zachary Rau (Autor*in) |
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