Der Star Wars-Barde Ian Doescher setzt seinen Facebook-Countdown zu William Shakespeare’s The Phantom of Menace (Star Wars Part the First) fort, das am 7. April bei Quirk Books erscheint erscheint. Nach Amidalas erstem Monolog bekommen wir nun eine Rede des Clowns der Prequels, Jar Jar Binks.
Jar Jar: A man approacheth, cloth’d in Jedi garb.
Belike this man brings aid unto Naboo
Such as will help my people and my land.
Mayhap this is the chance I have desir’d!
For I have wander’d lo these many months
A’thinking o’er this planet’s dreary fate:
Two peoples separated by their fear
And prejudice, which e’er doth make us shirk
From giving help unto each other. Aye,
It may be that the only hope for us
To be united is to realize
That our two Fates are tightly knit as one.
Perchance this Jedi, follow’d by these droids
Doth bring the words to break our deep mistrust.
I shall make introduction, in my way—
Portray the part that I have learn’d so well:
It doth befit the human prejudice
To think we Gungans simple, low and rude.
I shall approach him thusly, yet shall bend
Him to the path that shall assist us all.
Put on thy simple wits now, Jar Jar Binks:
Thus play the role of clown to stoke his pride.
The Phantom of Menace kann hier vorbestellt werden.