Del Rey hat einen neuen Mini-Auszug aus Star Wars: Tarkin veröffentlicht, dem neuen Kanon-Roman von James Luceno, der am 4. November in den USA erscheinen wird. Der Auszug ist tatsächlich der Beginn einer meiner Lieblingsszenen aus dem Buch (ja, ich schreibe fleißig an der Rezension, und sobald sie fertig ist, bekommt ihr sie zu lesen), die aus einem subtilen Gespräch zwischen Wilhuff Tarkin und Mas Amedda besteht.
Tarkin von James Luceno (04.11.2014)“Governor, your presence is required on Coruscant,” Amedda said after a moment. Tarkin moved to his desk and sat down, centering himself for the holocam. “I’ll certainly try to make time for a visit, Vizier.”
“Permit me, Governor, but that will not suffice. Perhaps I should have said that your presence is urgently required.”Tarkin waved a hand in dismissal. “I’m sorry, Vizier, but that doesn’t alter the fact that I have my priorities.”
“Priorities of what sort?”
Tarkin returned Amedda’s mirthless smile. There was probably no harm in sharing with Amedda information about the expected shipments of matériel from Desolation Station to Geonosis—including vital components for the battle station’s complex hyperdrive generator—but he was under no obligation to do so.
“I’m afraid my priorities are on a need-to-know basis.”
“Indeed. Then you are refusing the request?”
Tarkin glimpsed something in the thick-skulled Chagrian’s pink-rimmed cerulean eyes that gave him pause. “Let’s say that I’m reluctant to abandon my post at this time, Vizier. If you wish, I’ll provide the Emperor with my reasons personally.”
“That’s not possible, Governor. The Emperor is presently engaged.”
Tarkin leaned toward the cam. “So engaged that he can’t speak briefly with one of his Moffs?”