Choose Your Own Star Wars Adventure: A New Hope

Werk / Ausgabe • Jugendroman

Choose Your Own Star Wars Adventure: A New Hope (09.03.1998)
Montag, 9. März 1998
Christopher Golden – Autor*in
Steve Chorney
  • bei Bantam Skylark
  • Limitierte Ausgabe, Taschenbuch, 118 Seiten
  • ISBN 978-0-553-48651-3
  • $4,50 USD
Choose Your Own Star Wars Adventure
Ära der Rebellion (0 NSY)
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Find out if the force is with you in the first of three new interactive Star Wars books! Join Luke, Princess Leia, and Han as they battle the evil Galactic Empire–and you control the twists and turns of the most exciting odyssey in the galaxy. You can help the Rebellion in the war against Darth Vader, or you can betray your friends and side with the Empire. What will you choose?


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