Star Wars Manga: Episode I – The Phantom Menace #1
Ausgabe • Manga
Datum Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 1999 |
Cover Kia Asamiya |
Reihe Star Wars Manga |
Timeline Ära des Aufstiegs des Imperiums (32 VSY) |
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You waited in line for months to see the movie. . . You read the comics. . . You ate the fruit snacks and played with the action figures! Now make sure you don’t miss the most exciting retelling of the movie of the century as Dark Horse presents Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace–Manga! Legendary manga artist Kia Asamiya (Silent Mobius and Steam Detectives) masterfully illustrates George Lucas’ tale of adventure and intrigue in a book that no Star Wars fan will want to miss!
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Eintrag erstellt von: Florian. Letzte Änderung von: Florian.