Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire

Ausgabe • Hörspiel

Soldier for the Empire
Samstag, 1. März 1997
Dean Williams
Dark Forces
Ära des Aufstiegs des Imperiums (1 VSY)
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The Star Wars saga continues with William Dietz’s Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire. The brilliantly told story brings to light the events that ripped apart the life of young Kyle Katarn, turning him into a man without friends or family—a man devoted only to vengeance. The Rebel Alliance employs Katarn, a freelance fighter, to fight their cause in numerous perilous situations. But Katarn is interested in fighting the Empire for his own reasons and has no allegiance to the Rebel cause. He doesn’t mind fighting the fight of the Rebel Alliance, because it enables him to fight against the powerful Empire, for which he harbors a bitter hatred that is rooted deep inside him. Katarn’s haunting past reveals that he was once in training to become an Imperial soldier, dedicated to the service of the Emperor.

Written by John Whitman, based on a novel by William C. Dietz
Produced by Tom Voegeli
Directed by Peter Moore
Music by John Williams

Randal Berger as Kyle Katarn
Christopher Bloch as Rosco Ross
Virginia Burke as Courier
James Cada as Sergeant Major Hong
David Chase as Morgan Katarn
Mo Collins as Jan Ors
Patrick Coyle as Nathan Donar
Bob Davis as Skorg Jameson and Lando Calrissian
Chris Forth as Mon Mothma
Gary Groomes as Governor Donar and Major Horst
Allen Hamilton as Jerec
Ken Hiller as Narrator
Peter Moore as Meck Odom and Slyder
Tim Russell as Captain Thrawn, A-Cee, and General Mohc


Dieses Set besteht aus zwei Hörkassetten.

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