Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Limited Edition Hardcover)

Ausgabe • Comic

Episode III Revenge of the Sith (Limited Edition Hardcover)
Mittwoch, 16. März 2005
Warren Fu
  • bei Dark Horse
  • Hardcover, Limitierte Ausgabe, 96 Seiten
  • $19,99 USD
Episode III: Die Rache der Sith (Comics)
Ära des Aufstiegs des Imperiums, Klonkriege (19 VSY)


The official comics adaptation of the most anticipated of the Star Wars films! The action of the Clone Wars comes to a dramatic conclusion, and events are put in place for A New Hope. Battles rage in space, armies clash on alien worlds, heroes become martyrs, and friends become enemies-all leading up to the biggest, longest, and most incredible lightsaber duel in Star Wars history!

This is the film that answers the questions, How did Anakin succumb to the dark side? What happened to Luke and Leia’s mother? And why are there no Jedi around in the original Trilogy?

Artist Doug Wheatley (Star Wars: Empire volume two) brings a level of life and detail to the adaptation that rivals that of the films themselves. An epic graphic novel not to be missed!


Dieses Hardcover war exklusiv auf StarWarsShop.com erhältlich. Wer seine Ausgabe von Coverzeichner Warren Fu signiert haben wollte, der musste $24,99 USD zahlen.

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Eintrag erstellt von: Florian. Letzte Änderung von: Florian.