Dark Forces: Jedi Knight

Ausgabe • Roman

Dark Forces: Jedi Knight
Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 1998
Dave Dorman
Dark Forces
Ära der Alten Republik, Ära der Rebellion, Ära der Neuen Republik (1000 VSY bis 5 NSY)
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Kyle Katarn, Rebel agent and novice Jedi, has discovered the location of the legendary Valley of the Jedi. But Jerec, a dark Jedi seeking to dethrone the Emperor, orders an Imperial invasion against the world where the Valley is hidden. With the support of Luke Skywalker, Kyle volunteers to sneak onto the planet and stop the Empire before they can find the Valley, in his most dangerous — and important — mission yet…a mission which presents the opportunity, at long last, for Kyle to fulfill his destiny as a Jedi.

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