The Clone Wars: Ackbar’s Underwater Army (DK Readers Level 3)
Ausgabe • Kinderbücher & Sonstiges
Datum Montag, 16. April 2012 |
Mitwirkende Simon Beecroft – Autor*in |
Reihen |
Timeline Ära des Aufstiegs des Imperiums, Klonkriege (21 VSY) |
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The DK Star Wars series provides a wonderful opportunity for parents and teacher to promote development of young children’s reading skills and motivation to read. We want young children to WANT to read! Star Wars has become a familiar part of our culture with children instantly recognizing the characters on book covers, T.V. and in the movies. Now they can add more Star Wars action to their collections.
Join the amphibious warrior Ackbar and his fellow squidheaded militants in an underwater battle on his aquatic homeworld of Mon Calamari. Including complex sentence structure alongside information boxes all about the underwater battle, young readers are encouraged to focus on reading alone in Ackbar’s Underwater Army!
Enthaltene Werke
The Clone Wars: Ackbar's Underwater Army (DK Readers Level 3) Deutscher Titel: The Clone Wars: Einsatz auf Mon Calamari Simon Beecroft (Autor*in) Simon Beecroft (Autor*in) |