Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue! – An Origami Yoda Book

Ausgabe • Kinderbücher & Sonstiges

Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue!
Dienstag, 4. März 2014
Tom Angleberger – Autor*in
  • bei Amulet Books
  • Hardcover, 208 Seiten
  • ISBN 978-1-4197-1052-0
  • $13,95 USD
Origami Yoda
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The Origami Rebellion continues at McQuarrie Middle School! Our heroes must stick together and use their Star Wars puppets for a new set of challenges. Under the leadership of Tommy, they must rescue their lost comrade Mike, protect their pal Murky from a nasty attack, put on a musical version of „Olivia“ Twist and face a final showdown with the school board and Professor Funtime himself! To battle the professor, they’ll need to recruit a powerful ally…Principal Rabbski! But can Dwight, Tommy, Sara and the gang actually get her to join the Rebellion?

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Eintrag erstellt von: Florian. Letzte Änderung von: Florian.