Emperor Pickletine Rides the Bus: An Origami Yoda Book

Ausgabe • Kinderbücher & Sonstiges

Emperor Pickletine Rides the Bus: An Origami Yoda Book (16.08.2016)
Dienstag, 16. August 2016
Tom Angleberger – Autor*in
  • bei Amulet Books
  • Taschenbuch, 224 Seiten
  • ISBN 978-1-4197-2201-1
  • $7,95 USD
Origami Yoda
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The final Origami Yoda case file from the kids at McQuarrie Middle School!

After successfully fighting to save their field trip in Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue!, Tommy and the gang prepare for a well-earned day of fun and adventure in Washington, DC . . . but of course it won’t be that easy! This trip to the nation’s capital will be full of shifting alliances and betrayals, carsickness and sugar rushes. Trouble starts even before the buses leave school, when Principal Rabbski decrees the field trip an “origami-free zone.” Dwight secretly folds a Yoda from a Fruit Roll-Up, but will Fruitigami Yoda be a match for Harvey’s sour, hate-filled pickle of darkness?

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Eintrag erstellt von: Florian. Letzte Änderung von: Florian.